  KAM-Newsletter 21/2020
  Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, 
Thema dieses Newsletters: Start der diesjährigen #whatishome-Kampagne im Rahmen des MIND-Projekts
Mit freundlichen Grüßen 
Start der diesjährigen #whatishome-Kampagne im Rahmen des MIND-Projekts

Caritas Europa MIND/ #whatishome Update: Am Weltflüchtlingstag, dem 20. Juni 2020, startete die diesjährige #whatishome-Kampagne im Rahmen des MIND-Projekts. Im letzten Jahr dieser europäischen Kampagne liegt der Fokus auf der Lücke, die Migrantinnen und Migranten in ihren Gesellschaften hinterlassen würden:

We want to sensitize people to how much impact migrants have on our daily lives. Imagine a day without migrants: Which friends and colleagues would you miss? What would you eat for lunch if there were no restaurants or food from other countries? Who would take care of our senior citizens without all those caregivers from other countries? What would our cultural scene look like without its diversity? Where would science stand without the exchange of ideas and migration?

WHAT YOU CAN DO – Please support our campaign by posting what you would miss without migration (with the hashtag #whatishome) and/or by sharing, retweeting, liking the posts on our social media channels. More information here: 

    Die Redaktion 
Telefon: +49(0)761 200-376

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